A semester abroad in Denmark
Interested in expanding your horizons by studying abroad? The Coordinated International Experience (CIE) program is exclusively for UBC Applied Science students. The program offers equivalency in academic credit for a pre-selected and pre-approved set of courses over one academic term at one of our CIE international partner institutions.
Courses are taught in English, and the academic credit you receive from your courses taken abroad will count fully towards your UBC degree.
How you will benefit from a Coordinated International Experience
Spending a semester studying abroad will offer you an unforgettable academic and cultural experience. Participating in the program will immerse you in a new culture, expand your international network of friends, future colleagues, employers, and professors. You will gain new technical skills and expertise by learning in a foreign country.
Gaining an international perspective – either by studying abroad through the Coordinated International Experience program or through an international co-op or co-curricular experience – will broaden your perspective.
To learn more about the CIE program at, contact the CIE program at:
Tel: 604-827-2002
Email: cie.apsc@ubc.ca